Mambali Band
Mambali Band are a young and exciting force emerging from the northern Australian community of Numbulwar – a remote coastal community on the edge of the Gulf of Carpentaria. They have been performing for the last few years at festivals around the NT and the country; and are soon to launch their debut album.
Mambali fuse their traditional cultural songs and rhythms with contemporary sounds and beats and create a pulsating performance that has wowed local audiences since 2008. Since then, they’ve hit stages at Meredith Music Festival (Vic), WOMADelaide (SA), Nannup Music Festival (WA).
Their traditional songs are about country, culture and the Dhumbul Dance (Devil Dance) but are performed with contemporary arrangements; edgy and energetic. Following the release of their two singles ‘Fish Hawk’ and ‘Yuwani’, Mambali have gone on to attract attention at Bigsound (Qld), a sold-out show at Darwin Festival’s Lighthouse and through regional WA on the Sandtracks Tour. They also won the Archie Roach Foundation Award for Best New Northern Territory Talent at the National Indigenous Music Awards 2019.
Keen to share their songs and culture, Mambali sing mainly in their first language Nunggubuyu and like many Aboriginal bands Mambali strive to be a positive influence on the next generation. They strongly believe that music is a key to that positive influence and is a powerful means of engaging young people.